December 2024
I will present a paper, “All Alone: the Myth of the Impenetrable Jungle in Colonial Landscapes,” at the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ) Conference 2024 co-hosted by the University of Queensland and the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, 2-4 Dec.
I will present on “Curtains for Crown Hall: A Bioplastic Adaptation” at the 18th International DOCOMOMO Conference in Santiago, Chile, 10-14 Dec.
October 2024
I will present on “Mechanicsville 1870-1960-2030: The Rise, Redlining, and Redevelopment of an Atlanta Neighborhood” at the 2024 Southeast Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians Conference in Marietta, Georgia, 2-5 Oct.
I will present a paper, “Movin' Right Along: Temporal Vertigo in Partially Renovated Spaces,” at the 2024 Southeastern College Art Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, 23-26 Oct.
June 2024
I was a finalist for Harvard GSD’s Wheelwright Prize. Congratulations to the other finalists and to winner Thandi Loewenson!
May 2024
The spring version of Curtains for Crown Hall opened on the south facade of Crown Hall, to help deter fatal bird collisions as birds migrate north for the summer.
On May 7, I traveled to Syracuse to review Hans Tursack’s studio final at Syracuse Architecture.
December 2023
On December 6, I traveled to Berkeley to review final projects at UC Berkeley’s College of Environmental Design.
October 2023
On October 20, I spoke about Building with Algae and Shellfish: Embracing Impermanence with Biomaterial Interiors at the annual ACSA/AIA Intersections Research Conference, Material Economies, at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
September 2023
Curtains for Crown Hall moved from the south facade to the north facade of Crown Hall, to help deter fatal bird collisions as birds migrate south for the winter.
Curtains for Crown Hall opened. You can read a little bit about it here.
June 2023
On June 29, I spoke about climate change and the birth of the modern heritage conservation movement at the Amps Heritages conference in Prague, co-hosted by the Czech Technical University.
My PhD student, Çiçek Karataş, won a ACSF Lindsay Jones Memorial Research Fund grant for her project “Documenting the Cultural Significance of Religious Buildings Damaged by the Hatay Earthquake: A Project for Preserving Heritage and Advancing Spiritual and Cultural Sustainability”. Congratulations, Çiçek!
May 2023
On May 1, I traveled to Knoxville to review final projects at the University of Tennessee Knoxville College of Architecture.
April 2023
On April 12, I traveled to Tampa to review MArch thesis projects at the University of South Florida School of Architecture.
March 2023
On March 30, I spoke with Alejandro Saldaña Perales of IIT’s PhD Research Forum for their podcast Chicago’s Day Off, about my pre-architecture background, advice for researchers, and comparing Atlanta and Chicago.
December 2022
On December 1, I traveled to Houston to review Carlos Jiménez and Christopher Hight’s graduate studio work at the Rice University School of Architecture.
November 2022
On November 25, I spoke about “Dystopia, Climate Change, and Heritage Conservation in the Late 19th Century” at Ngā Pūtahitanga / Crossings: A Joint Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand and the Australasian Urban History / Planning History Group, at the University of Auckland. I also chaired a session at the same conference on “European Society and Players”.
On November 14, I traveled to Tampa to review MArch thesis projects at the University of South Florida School of Architecture.
On November 3, I presented a paper co-authored with Danielle Willkens entitled “A Different Song of the South: Lost Cause Leadership and Civil Rights Icons at The Wren’s Nest” at the annual conference of the Southeast Society of Architectural Historians in Memphis.
September 2022
I am a registered architect in the state of Georgia!
August 2022
I joined the faculty at Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) as an Assistant Professor in the College of Architecture.
April 2022
The students at Georgia Tech selected me as the inaugural College of Design Teacher of the Year, described as an “award is to recognize educators who made a positive impact on students' academic experiences, especially during the pandemic when we implemented the hybrid mode of teaching.” A great note on which to end my fellowship at Georgia Tech!
November 2021
I took part in a panel discussion of research questions at SIGraDi 2021 Designing Possibilities Ubiquitous Conference, moderated by Russell Gentry and co-hosted by Perkins Will, on 10 November 2021. I will discuss my research, posing the question ‘How can adaptive reuse promote urban revitalization without erasing and replacing local culture?’
October 2021
Read about Mechanicsville 2030 in John Ruch’s article for the Saport Report: ‘In remaking part of Mechanicsville, the future may lie in the past’.
Tickets to see the Mechanicsville 2030 show on Tuesday mornings or Thursday evenings are available here.
On the evening of October 15, I lectured at the Atlanta Preservation Center about the proposals for Whitehall Street and Artisan Yards included in Mechanicsville 2030.
I spoke on “Representing Renovation: Pedagogical Tools for Design Interventions” at “DCA 20/20: Perception to Execution,” the 2021 International Design Communication Association Conference, on 21 October, co-hosted by the Department of Architecture at Kennesaw State University.
My contribution to the UIA 2020 Rio conference, ‘Permanence and Permeability: Intervention Architecture and Cellular Botany’, is available from the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture in their UIA2020RIO Paper Proceedings Vol. II.
September 2021
IT’S HERE! As of September 24, Mechanicsville 2030: The Past, Present, and Possible Future of One of Atlanta’s Oldest Neighborhoods has opened at the LP Grant Mansion, home of the Atlanta Preservation Center. You can book tickets to attend (free of charge) on Tuesdays or Thursdays through mid-November here. The show includes work from my 2021 Spring Capstone studio at Georgia Tech School of Architecture, edited, supplemented, and modeled as a 16-foot 1:200 model by my research team over the summer.
On September 8, I spoke in the Georgia Tech School of Architecture fall lecture series on “Mechanicsville 2030,” as an intro to my show at the Atlanta Preservation Center. You can see the full lecture here.
On September 30, I will speak at the SESAH 2021 Annual Conference in Natchez, Mississippi, on Nineteenth-Century Anxieties on “Climate Change and the 19th-century roots of heritage conservation.”
August 2021
Ruskin’s Ecologies: Figures of Relation from Modern Painters to The Storm-Cloud is available at Courtauld Books Online and includes my chapter “The Afterlife of Dying Buildings: Ruskin and Preservation in the Twenty-First Century.”
July 2021
On July 6, I spoke at the 27th World Congress of Architects (UIA 2021 Rio), hosted virtually from Brazil and in collaboration with ACSA (the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture), with a talk entitled “Permanence and Permeability: Intervention Architecture and Cellular Botany.”
June 2021
On June 11, I spoke at the annual Scientiae Conference on Disciplines of Knowing in the Early Modern World, hosted virtually by Scientiae organizers in Amsterdam, with a talk entitled “Cells, Walls, Selves: Enclosure in Early Modern England.”
May 2021
My essay, “Curating Solitude: The Intimate Interiors of Writers’ House Museums” appeared in Pidgin 29, published by the Princeton School of Architecture.
March 2021
On March 12, I chaired a panel on “Thinking with Plants,” during which I spoke on “Permanence and Permeability: What Architects Can Learn from Leaves,” at the Northeast Modern Languages Association (NeMLA) 52nd Annual Convention, sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania’s Romance Languages Department in partnership with the College of Arts and Sciences at the University at Buffalo.
February 2021
Better late than never — On February 27, I gave a lecture titled “Curating Solitude: The Intimate Interiors of Small House Museums” as part of the Interior Provocations 2020 Symposium on the topic of Memory, virtually co-hosted by the Ryerson School of Interior Design and Pratt Institute.
January 2021
I participated in a symposium about architecture school fellowships, Projecting Fellows, on January 19, alongside fellows Karen Kubey, Piergianna Mazzocca, and Young-Tack Oh, and moderated by Sylvia Lavin and Jason Young. Projecting Fellows was organized by Katie MacDonald and Kyle Schumann and hosted by the University of Virginia School of Architecture.
June 2020
Re-Store Tube received an honorable mention in the TUBE 8x8x300 Conceptual Design Competition.
April 2020
LIFE FORMS: Essays on the Display, Synthesis and Simulation of Life and Artwork of Andreas Greiner, edited by Carson Chan and including my chapter ‘The Aftermath of the Human: Forays into Colonial Landscape Painting, Luminism, and Cell Biology’, is available for pre-order.
My chapter ‘London’s Early Modern Gardens and the Performance of Solitude’ in the special issue of Early Modern Literary Studies entitled Door-Bolts, Thresholds, And Peep-Holes: Liminality And Domestic Spaces In Early Modern England (2020) is now online.
March 2020
On March 6, I participated in a roundtable discussion on “Authorship and the Anthropocene” at the University of Tennessee Knoxville School of Architecture.
On March 28, I was scheduled to give a lecture titled “Curating Solitude: The Intimate Interiors of Small House Museums” at the Ryerson School of Interior Design as part of the Interior Provocations 2020 Symposium on the topic of Memory, co-hosted by Ryerson and Pratt Institute. The symposium has been postponed to a later date TBD.
December 2019
I took part in the I-285 Ideas Challenge hosted by Generator, to think of new uses and identities for the I-285 loop highway around Atlanta.
November 2019
I gave a talk about my work, “Permanence and Permeability: New Designs, Old Buildings,” at the Georgia Tech College of Design Research Forum, Introducing New Voices in Design Research, on November 7.
September 2019
I spoke about “Plant Biology and Architectural Intervention” in the Cave at Georgia Tech’s Hinman Research Building, hosted by the ConCave SoA PhD Student Group, on September 18.
"The Piñata: A Treatise" appeared in Lunch 13: Mischief. Co-authored with Laura Salazar and Weiwei Zhang.
August 2019
I joined the Georgia Tech School of Architecture as the 2019-2021 Ventulett NEXT Generation Teaching Fellow.
April 2019
My essay, “‘Below the Surface of These Unliving Husks’” appeared in Pidgin 25, published by the Princeton School of Architecture.
January 2019
I started as a visiting studio critic at Rice University School of Architecture, where I taught ARCH202.
I presented “Cut/ Fill/ Float: New Infrastructures and Typologies for Flood Resilience and Rising Sea Levels in Southern Louisiana” at the Smart Resilience Meetup, co-sponsored by the Rice School of Architecture and Rice School of Engineering, on January 31.
October 2018
Not Interesting: On the Limits of Criticism in Architecture, Andrew Atwood's book which I edited, is out!
September 2018
My article, "'Stonehenge in the Mind' and 'Stonehenge on the Ground': Reader, Viewer, and Object in Inigo Jones's Stone-Heng Restored (1655)", about Inigo Jones's argument that Stonehenge was a Roman ruin with once perfect geometry, was published in the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Volume 77, No. 3.
August 2018
The brochure for CloudStore can be found in PLAT 7.0: Sharing.
April 2018
I spoke about "the representation of boundaries, structure, and organization in 19th-century cellular biology and architecture" at the 51st annual conference of the Victorian Studies Association of Ontario, at the Textile Museum of Canada, Toronto, April 28.
March 2018
I gave the talk "John Ruskin and Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc on cyclical time and what to do with old buildings" at the Nineteenth-Century Time Symposium, at the Jackman Humanities Institute, University of Toronto, on March 10.
January 2018
I presented my research for the KPF Paul Katz Fellowship on January 11 at the Urban Design Forum in New York, in conversation with the three other Paul Katz Fellows from 2016 and 2017, KPF president Jamie von Klemperer, New London Architecture’s Peter Murray, and SO-IL’s Florian Idenburg.
December 2017
I presented "The Afterlife of Dying Buildings: Ruskin and Preservation in the Twenty-First Century" at the conference New Approaches to Ruskin on Art and Architecture, hosted by UCL/ the Courtauld Institute and the Ruskin Society, on Dec. 1.
November 2017
My article "Spectacular solitude, city, and self in Père-Lachaise Cemetery" is online at Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes.